Globus Examples

Premise and Intentions

This was also posted an issue on the Globus CLI repo to get feedback from the Globus developers. This goes back to a conversation that happened while I was part of the Globus team when we created the automation examples repository, about how to handle community contributions.

My intention is to post a few (maybe several) end-to-end examples of how to do things for various use cases–when everything is mostly working. I.e., useful demo, teaching, and sys admin script references. These are coming from my work with projects at UCSD, and sharing them publicly is the best way for folks on campus to find them.

The examples largely build on the Globus Python SDK and use the command line so that it’s easy for someone to both read and run them. Which is why I reached out to the Globus team, because I’m certain there’s a ridiculously long wish list for the Globus SDK and CLI that include some of the things I’ll be covering. And I fully appreciate the difference between me putting out script with poor error handling that avoids edge cases compared to what the supported releases need to achieve.

With that framing, here are my intentions as I put these out in the world.


If you see something egregiously wrong, particularly regarding the handling of tokens, permissions, roles, etc., please let me know. I don’t expect anyone to vet or review these examples, but I will take seriously any reports of a potential risk to someone using them.

Deprecating Examples

When the CLI or some other supported tool from Globus add the same functionality, I’ll update my examples to reference it, or even remove the example. This is the part about the SDK and CLI roadmap. I know some of these things will be coming; for now, plese treat the examples as a way for the Globus community to adopt Globus product features as those features go from the API, to the SDK, to the CLI.

Please Reuse or Take Inspiration

If anything in an example looks useful, please feel free to reuse it, I would be honored. Realistically, you’re not going to find the actual code useful, but maybe a feature will be worth implementing. For example, I think the abiltity to pass the client ID and secret via a file is a good addition to using environment variables. I’ve started looking at the Globus CLI code to see how to add the option through a pull request, so we’ll see if I can contribute directly.

Likewise, I’d be glad to see these included in training materials, blog posts, or other sharing if it’s worthwhile from your perspective. However, to my comment about about where to host these, I chose not to do a pull request to the automation examples repo or elsewhere. I think it’s better to see if how the Globus user community responds to the examples and if it results in a Globus- or community-managed space for contributions.


Finally, thanks to the Globus team for everything that makes these possible.

List of Examples